Watch Criminal Causing Chaos As He's Chased By Police - GTA In Real Life

Watch Criminal Causing Chaos As He's Chased By Police - GTA In Real Life
A gunman suspected of driving a stolen car was filmed smashing into other vehicles, staeling other cars and firing into police officers. ...

Shocking Video Footage Shows Moment Plane Crashes Into Bridge

Shocking Video Footage Shows Moment Plane Crashes Into Bridge
A TrasAsia plane carrying 58 people crashed into a river in Taiwan this Monday 4/02/15 killing at least 30 people. This dramatic video footage shows the ATR 72 aircraft clipping a bridge short after take-off...

If This Video Doesn't Inspire You, Nothing Will

If This Video Doesn't Inspire You, Nothing Will
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."...

12 Expensive And Luxurious Cars - 2015

12 Expensive And Luxurious Cars - 2015
Buying a car is a very simple step nowadays. You go to the dealership, choose the car you want and make the payment. This is the usuall process. But when it comes to dream cars it's a little bit different. Well it's completely...

Top 10 Most Expensive And Luxurious Yachts - Awsome!

Top 10 Most Expensive And Luxurious Yachts - Awsome!
Buying a multi millionaire and luxurious yacht for Billionaires is not a big deal. There is competition on who owns the most expensive and most luxurious dream yacht among the world's billionaires. Budgets for purchase can easily...

Top 10 Richest People - 2015 - Ranked

Top 10 Richest People - 2015 - Ranked
Money and wealth related topics are always interesting. But it gets even more interesting when we come to billionaires. There are 1,645 Billionaires around the world whose total net worth is $6.4 Trillion.The Microsoft co-founder...

Top 10 Worst Serial Killers Of All Time - Messed Up!

Top 10 Worst Serial Killers Of All Time - Messed Up!
You may have heard of the movies called Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Scream and Silence of The Lambs. And you may be familiar with Jack The Ripper. Many of the movies were inspired in true events. What motivates serial killers? well... it's better not to...