Shocking Ways Humanity Could End

Nuclear War

Many countries possess nuclear weapons. Besides the explosion and radiation, nuclear weapons have other effects such as contamination of food, water and air. Theory says that if two countries attacked each other with 50 nuclear weapons each, the entire planet could experience a 10 year nuclear winter.
Asteroid Impact


In 2028 a mile wide asteriod will pass Earth in a very close range. An asteroid of this size is capable of wiping out most life on Earth with na impact of 30,000 miles per hour. But scientists insist that it will miss us.

Planet X Theory

According to the Planet X Theory, Nibiru is the 10th planet in our Solar System and is on a 3600 of elliptical orbit that would place it in Earths gravitation proximity. If this were to happen the planet would collide with Earth or close enough to cause flooding, earthquakes and worldwide distruction.

As artificial intelligence progress so does the chance of their self awareness. Cosmologist Spephen Hawkings warns that A.I. could end the human race.

Scientists say a hybrid "mind controlling" vírus is possible to engineer and could be a motive for biological warefere. No, it wouldnt bring dead people to life. But a vírus that infects the central nervous system would spread like a cough making the poplulation irrational with agressive behavior.

Virus spread is a dealdy threat to human race. Influenza (1918) killed more people than thw World War I. Ebola killed at least 6000 people. Although we are discovering cures for deadly diseases, scientists claim that more dealy pendemic events will possibly occur.
Gamma Ray Brust

If a supernova were to explode within 30 light years from the Sun, it would unleash a massive Gamma Ray that would blow a portion of our athsmophere causing global fires and killing off the planet in a matter of months. The changes for happening are extremely low BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE.
Reversed Magnetic Fields
Every few hundreds of thousands of years, Earth's magnetic fields decreses drastically and slowly reverses the North and the South pole. This would cause little magnetic protection for almost a century and the Earth may be overdue. This would cosmic rays from the Sun to erode our ozone layer and ecological disasters.
Black Hole


A black hole is a reagion of space that has a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape. If one were to enter our Solar Syatem, we could the pulverized by a shower of asteroids, thrown to other planets and torn apart or crushed to death.

Global Warming

Records show that planet Earth is getting hotter. In fact 2005 and 2010 were the hottest ways of the 20th Century. Many scientists are claiming that we are less than a decade away from a irreversible and critical green house gas into our athsmophere. If this happens, Earth's weather will shockingly change resulting in catastrophic weather changes.

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